
March and then some...

So pretty much this month totally sucks. This month was supposed to be an amazing month!
Kenji and i had our anniversary and it was the best. He is the most amazing boy ever and i love him with all my heart. {other people are very opposed to us dating though... not naming names} For our anniversary we didn't rly do anything but watch Step Brothers [but we couldn't find the unrated version:/ lame] you all may know the movie from the song Boats and Hos. It is a great piece of art work:]
Also for the next two weeks at school we have half days which brings a big smile to my face! Then Spring Break!!! i am super excited for that. I origanally planned to get my wisdom teeth yanked but i dont want to call the Daddy so i am planning on eloping for a week with my sister! How excited and scandelous:]
So anyway this month sucks cause Kenji keeps getting in trouble and it totally blows. Now he is grounded for a whole week, we don't even get to see each other, he cant drive, and he is stuck at home... its totally lame sauce but what ev i cant do anything about it. Also to top it off his mom keeps saying I'm not an issue... but idk cause i find it hard to believe especially if she says she will be damned if he ever marries me, what on earth can that possibly mean?
Anyway i am tired of the drama this month so i am excited for April {Bday month!} and i just cant wait till everything settles down again, it will be nice. LOVE<3


My Birthday:]

So my birthday is coming up soon:] {Before Kenji's for anyone who's gonna buy gifts hahaha jk} i am not rly sure what i am doing to celebrate, especially cause its on a Sunday... so i hope i get to see Kenji but maybe not. Anyway here's what i want:
*The Confessions of Gerogia Nicolson [books 1-9]
*Boys Over Flowers 31-34
*Hana Kimi Vol. 21
*Nana 10-13
*Age of Empires 3 or 2
*Cricut Exspression
*New Head Phones for my iPodish
*Hope Chest
*A Subscription to Shojo Beat{i miss it:[ just cause i have Kenji does't mean i cant be that stupid geeky girl who read manga, my second love}

Ummm... thats all i can think of... hahaha i hope you all send me something hahaha jk Have a good week!


Baby pictures

So today Kenji and I were looking at pictures of him and his familia when they were younger, when he was little. Well first off it was the 90's so that's cute then we found a naked picture of his father! [something i never needed to see in my life, i may be scarred forever] hahaha. But Kenji was very cute of course and all the little kids as babies. And i am just saying there is only so many times i can look at the same house hahahaha [sorry Andrea.] I did have a lot of fun looking at baby pictures though. It was cute to see Kenji as a little boy:] he was so cute, but he is even cuter now! hahaha:]


Shopping spree!

So today i went shopping with my mommy and my niece:] which was very fun. I got some new clothes which is very exciting, always is. And we went shopping yesterday and i got the phone i have been wanting since before Christmas! It is the cutest phone ever! I am so spoiled {probably cause I am so amazing} hahaha. We also get to go shopping tomorrow, my mommy will definitely be broke by tomorrow. Sad day:[ but it was fun while it lasted. I also got something for Mikayla and Andrea:] its very cute. LOVE<3